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Find the perfect vanity mirror for your bathroom

The vanity mirror is a product that no bathroom should be without. It offers the possibility to take a close look at even the smallest details on the face and to care for them. Facial care, hair care and daily make-up are just a few examples.

Which vanity mirror suits me?

For many, the vanity mirror is simply part of the bathroom. Once you have a bathroom mirror of this kind, it is hard to do without it. It is too practical with its multiple magnification, which supports daily hygiene. Whether plucking eyebrows, applying make-up or, for men, shaving: the small practical helper is used everywhere.

What makes a vanity mirror?

The main feature of the cosmetic mirror is the optical magnification. In some models, both mirror surfaces offer magnification, in others it is only one. The magnification varies between 2x and 8x. The amount of magnification depends on personal factors. For example, if you have poor eyesight, a higher magnification may make sense. Others may want to look at the skin in great detail - in which case a high magnification is also useful. For everyday use, however, a magnification of 2.5 to 4 times is usually sufficient.

What types of mirrors with magnification are there?

Cosmetic mirrors are available in different versions. Particularly high-quality is the attachment to a wall as a wall-mounted model or as a floor model. The practical thing about the stand model is that it can be placed flexibly and is not functionally tied to a specific location. These are usually powered by batteries or rechargeable batteries. The wall-mounted model is usually connected to the power supply and thus not tied to its location. In this way, it can be ideally adapted to the surrounding rooms.

All those who like to touch up their make-up every now and then are familiar with the pocket mirror. Small and compact, it fits in every handbag and can be taken along on every outing.

Cosmetic mirror with lighting

As bathroom planners, we therefore point out to our customers how important the lighting conditions in the bathroom are, especially when choosing the right vanity mirrors. A high-quality bathroom mirror, for example from KEUCO or Decor Walther, can only be used optimally if the basic lighting in the bathroom already ensures ideal illumination of the room. Lighting technology is therefore one of b-cube's core competences in bathroom planning and a prerequisite for the vanity mirror to fulfil its function.

Cosmetic mirrors are available with and without illumination, either as standing mirrors or wall mirrors. Pure cosmetic mirrors can be supplied with a magnification of 2.5 to 8.0 times. Many mirror cabinets or wall mirrors can also be used as vanity mirrors without a magnification function because the lighting technology has been specially adapted for this purpose. Some manufacturers also install separate vanity mirrors in their mirror cabinets.

Cosmetic mirror with LED light

Many vanity mirrors today are equipped with LED lighting that can be switched between warm white and daylight white or dimmed as required. The power required for this is supplied to the bathroom mirror either via a rechargeable battery or batteries. Models with a mains connection are of course also available. The manufacturers of vanity mirrors offer you a wide range. Some vanity mirrors are equipped with swivel arms so that you can pull them closer to you if necessary. The magnification factor also varies depending on the model. Some models are even mirrored on both sides and offer different magnification factors depending on the model. It is important that each cosmetic mirror offers a magnification. You will find the exact magnification offered by each model in the respective product descriptions.

Controlling the light

The light can be configured in different ways. While some mirrors have an on/off button, others allow the light to be dimmed. The colour of the light can also be selected individually. Some prefer daylight white, which perfectly illuminates every skin imperfection, while warm white light gently caresses the face.

Cosmetic mirror - round or square?

The shape of the mirror should also fit in well with the bathroom design. In most cases, customers can choose between round and square mirror models. If straight lines dominate in the bathroom, the square mirror fits well into the overall concept. But the round bathroom mirror can also be a real eye-catcher.